Energy Audit
An energy audit is a study or inspection survey to determine energy consumption pattern and trend of facilities, system equipment. Based on Energy survey, Energy Bills, system design and measurement calculations report is generated. Analysis of energy flows can further be determined for energy conservation in a building. It may include a process or system to reduce the amount of energy input into the system without negatively affecting the output. In commercial and industrial real estate, an energy audit is the first step in identifying opportunities to reduce energy expense and carbon footprint. These are few highlights of typical energy audit.
- The analysis of building and utility data, including study of the installed equipment and analysis of energy bills;
- The survey of the real operating conditions;
- The understanding of the building behavior and of the interactions with weather, occupancy and operating schedules;
- The selection and the evaluation of energy conservation measures;
- The estimation of energy saving potential;
- The identification of customer concerns and needs.

Energy audit is commonly used to describe a broad spectrum of energy studies ranging from a quick walk-through of a facility to identify major problem areas to a comprehensive analysis of the implications of alternative energy efficiency measures based on client requirements and financial criteria.
Generally, four levels of analysis can be outlined based on ASHRAE level audit:
- Level 0 – Benchmarking or Feasibility Study: This first analysis consists in a preliminary Whole Building Energy Use analysis based on the analysis of the historic utility use and costs and the comparison of the performances of the buildings to those of similar buildings. This benchmarking of the studied installation allows determining if further analysis is required;
- Level I – Walk-through audit: Preliminary analysis made to assess building energy efficiency to identify not only simple and low-cost improvements but also a list of energy conservation measures (ECMs, or energy conservation opportunities, ECOs) to orient the future detailed audit. This inspection is based on visual verifications, study of installed equipment and operating data and detailed analysis of recorded energy consumption collected during the benchmarking phase;
- Level II – Detailed/General energy audit: Based on the results of the pre-audit, this type of energy audit consists in energy use survey in order to provide a comprehensive analysis of the studied installation, a more detailed analysis of the facility, a breakdown of the energy use and a first quantitative evaluation of the ECMs selected to correct the defects or improve the existing installation. This level of analysis involves advanced on-site measurements and simulation tools to evaluate precisely the selected energy retrofits;
- Level III – Investment-Grade audit: Detailed Analysis of Capital-Intensive Modifications focusing on potential costly ECMs requiring rigorous engineering study.