Facility Management Services
- Etihad Facility Management Services integrates people, place & processes within the built environment, with the purpose of improving the quality of the life of the people and productivity of the core building.
- By coupling our energy services expertise and Facility management function, it would create synergy to improve efficiency, reduce operational cost with increased comfort of the building occupant(s).
- With the growing demand of integrated facility management compared to traditional single services/bundled services, it is vital to club energy management function as part of this integration of facility management to optimize resources & enhance overall efficiency.
- FM being a crucial link in built environment disciplines, which enables physical assets to be used to create desired organization goals, Etihad FM plays an important role to manage services in a way that it support organization’s goal/missions with best efficiency & comfort.
- Etihad ES offers a bespoke FM solution that begins at project kick-off, connecting with clients and building relationships with management teams & other stakeholders to deliver FM services best suited to their mission.

- Al Arabia for operation & maintenance LLC
- Al-Futtaim Engineering(L.L.C)
- Al Shirawi Facilities management LLC
- Core Serve Building Contracting LLC
- Deyaar Facilities Management LLC
- Dussman Gulf LLC
- E F S facilities Management Services LLC
- Emrill Services LLC
- Etisalat Facilities Management LLC
- Infra Care Management and Cleaning Services LLC
- Jumbo Engineering LLC
- Operon Middle East
- Tornado Facilities Management LLC
* As on Date