Certified Measurement & Verification Professional (CMVP)
Next Session: 18-20 May 2021 | Exam: 29 May 2021
4 days + 1/2 Day Exam
British University in Dubai(BUID)
The program is based on the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP), the most‐widely cited M&V protocol internationally. It is frequently listed as a key required qualification in job announcements related to energy efficiency.
In Dubai, CMVP is a key requirement for companies seeking ESCO and Energy Auditor accreditation by RSB Dubai.
- Reasons for M&V
- Current M&V
- Developing an M&V Plan
- Current Issues in M&V
- Emission Trading
- Baseline Adjustments
- Key Elements of Success: Theory & Examples of IPMVP Options
- Selecting Options: Which One is Best Suited for My Project?
- Adherence with IPMVP
4-year degree in science, engineering, architecture, business, law, finance, or related field | AND | At least 3 years of experience in energy or building or Facility management, or M&V |
2-year technical degree, or 4-year non-technical degree in a field not specified above | AND | At least 5 years of experience in energy or building or facility management, or M&V |
No degree | AND | At least 10 years of experience in energy or building or facility management, or M&V |
- Register for the Training Program and complete the Application Form
- Complete the 3-day Training Program followed by an exam administered in the afternoon of day 3 of the training
- Within thirty days of the date on which AEE receives your exam, you will be notified of your score. Your CMVP Application form must be submited before your score can be released. Exam results are not available on EVO’s or AEE’s website.
Review by Certification Board
If you have submited your CMVP Application form, and if your file is complete including all supporting documents, your file will be sent to the Certification Board for final review. You will be notified at that time that you will receive the Board’s approval or denial within sixty days.
Use of CMVP Designation
A Certified Measurement & Verification Professional (CMVP) may use the designation with name on organization letterhead, business cards, and all forms of address. Certification is for individuals only. The CMVP designation may not be used to imply that an organization or firm is certified.
For information on maintaining your certification, please visit the AEE Certification Renewal webpage.
- Building/industry owners who wish to (1) measure their projects’ energy savings or (2) partner with ESCOs to implement energy efficiency (EE) projects;
- Employees responsible for EE program evaluation and operation;
- Engineering/professional firms specialized in EE;
- ESCO employees required to prepare M&V plans;
- Utilities staff reviewing EE projects;
- Public‐sector employees working on EE programs;

Check your Eligibility or Email Us for a Free Assessment on training@eihadesco.com

Email your Documents to training@eihadesco.com